Submit your artwork (as an individual) Thank you for taking part in the project! You can use this form to submit mini-stories and artwork to us. Name (first name and surname) Contact email Name of artwork author (first name and surname) Include name with artwork? Age (if under 18) Include age with artwork? Mini-story Type of artwork DrawingPaintingCollageSculptureVideoOther You can upload your artwork here. There is a 10mb file size limit. If your artwork is bigger (we like big high-res files!) you can send it to us using something like WeTransfer, DropBox or iCloud, using the email address Contact us at this email address if you need more information. Click to join our newsletter list. I give my consent for the Art to Imagine project to get in touch with me using the information I provide, for the purpose of news and information about the project. Any other comments Confirm your email is correct as entered above: Confirm email is correct Acceptance By sending us your stories and artwork you give us permission to display this on our website and in public at various locations. We may contact you if we have any queries about the story or artwork. Δ