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  • Workshop and Stall at the Malvern Festival of Ideas

    The Malvern Festival of Ideas was a great community event, with lots of talks and workshops on the theme of “Telling Tales”. Chris Packham was the keynote speaker on the Friday evening. On Saturday, we held an imagination workshop for families. The children and adults really got involved and produced great stories, drawings and collages.…

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  • A beaver-rich story and artwork!

    I started on this Art2imagine project straight after new year. As happens to many of us, the optimism of the new year may have outweighed the realities of life and how much free time I had. My grand idea was to make a collage, using all the various wildlife and eco-related magazines I have stacked…

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  • Team Prepares for Launch!

    Here are some photos of recent gatherings as we get together to work on launching the project! In the upcoming weeks, we’ll be contacting local schools, colleges and universities, and putting our leaflets in locations around Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

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