We are asking groups of students or individuals to come up with a vision of a 2035 where we have done everything possible to tackle the climate and nature crisis.
There are many reasons why we cannot continue as we are today. Climate change is causing extreme weather, is making places uninhabitable and is causing food shortages. We know many species are at risk of extinction. We know the differences between the wealthiest and the poorest in society is causing real suffering. Equally we know that solutions to all these problems exist today, they are just on too small a scale and are blocked for many different reasons. But if we can imagine a better future that is compelling, we move towards it. The NHS was a radical idea that was imagined into existence.
Stories and artwork
One person could write a mini-story, another could do artwork, or it can be done in groups. The artwork can be anything that can be photographed. It could be a drawing, collage, photograph, painting, sculpture or performance. You can also submit a mini-story or full length story if you want and we can make it available to inspire others. We also have mini-stories that have been created that you can base your artwork on.
We don’t want to constrain the stories and artwork to the way we live today as we know we will need to change (e.g. being closer to and more respectful of nature and our impact, living with lower use of energy).
However, no flying cars or terraforming of Mars please! The material should be grounded in the reality of the current climate and nature crisis and what can be done about it.
Stories and artwork should be as if you are in the future – what does it look, sound, smell and feel like. For example “Here in 2035…”. We may need to edit stories so that they fit with the display and have the correct tense, spelling and grammar.
We can help with imagination sessions to encourage the ideas to flow.
Imagination Video
How to join in
Schools, colleges, universities, clubs and community groups can host a workshop and/or make a collective submission. Contact us for more details. Individuals can send us mini-stories and artwork directly via email (and longer stories if you want). We’ll need a high-quality image of the artwork, which can be a drawing, photograph, painting, sculpture or performance.
Submitting the mini-story and artwork
You can send us the mini-story and artwork using these buttons, which will make sure we have the details needed, or you can email it to us.
If emailing, please include the name of the person producing the artwork, age if under 18 if you wish, whether you are submitting it individually or as part of an organisation, and if you want those details displayed. Email info@art2imagine.org.
The photographs will be displayed in A2 portrait or landscape format, but we can us images with different dimensions. The preferred photo resolution would be at least 12MP (megapixels) or 3508 x 2480 pixels but higher resolution is always welcomed.
All artwork would be made freely available on our website through the CC by NC ND creative commons license (This license enables re-users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for non-commercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator). The material must not advertise products or services. We will showcase the artwork online and in various public locations, which we hope will stimulate thoughts and enthusiasm about a better future.
All artwork needs to be submitted by the end of December 2024 for display early 2025.
If you have questions please Contact us using our online form or email info@art2imagine.org.
How we will display the artwork