Latest Posts

  • Ways in which you can help the project

    We have set up a Crowdfunder to help support the project, so if you could afford a one off or regular donation that would really help us get the project off the ground.You can also contact us if you would like to help. We are particularly looking for people to be part of a team running workshops in schools…

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  • For inspiration – A story from 2030 – Phoebe Tickell

    This is from the excellent Rob Hopkins podcast From What if to what next – Episode 69 – “What if every institution ran imagination activist training?” Phoebe Tickell, of Moral Imaginations, author of imagination training, describes what she finds in 2030: Well, I just decided to walk back from Camden Town towards Camden Council, where…

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  • For inspiration – A story from 2030 – Georgia Gould

    This is from the excellent Rob Hopkins podcast From What if to what next – Episode 69 – “What if every institution ran imagination activist training?” Georgia Gould, Leader of Camden Council, describes what she finds in 2030: Well, I’m in Kentish Town, which is my ward where I grew up in. I’ve gone on…

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