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  • For inspiration – A story from 2030 – Gregory Claeys

    This is from the excellent Rob Hopkins podcast From What if to what next – Episode 70 – “What if we all became better utopians?” Gregory Claeys, who wrote “Utopianism for a dying planet: Life after Consumerism”, describes what he finds in 2030: So, welcome one and all to 2030. Which would have been, as…

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  • The oil and gas industry on the wrong side of history

    Christiana Figueres, who oversaw the landmark Paris Agreement on Climate Change, has been talking about the resistance of the fossil fuel industry to using its vast resources to rapidly move away from oil and gas and invest in renewables. Christiana was talking on the podcast “Outrage and Optimism” with co-founder Tom Rivett-Carnac, and the discussion…

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  • Somewhere over the rainbow…

    By Iszi Jones. On Saturday Malvern Green Space held their second annual sustainable fashion show, involving Malvern Youth Club and many others in a joyous burst of creativity and second hand clothes. I was tasked to give a short talk to get the serious part of the message across.. it went down very well I’m…

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